Climbing Camp - 2020
Dear friends and supporters,
This summer, July 20-31, we are trilled to organize our annual project, Climbing Camp! Children with disabilities, traveling all the way from Moscow and Ekaterinburg, will show us yet again that physical disabilities place no limit on their dreams to live an active and fulfilling life. For ten days they will learn how to scale up the beautiful mountains, learning many of the rock-climbing techniques. We are incredibly proud of these kids as they continue to inspire us by their perseverance!
We are grateful for your support!
Life in Motion - Elbrus 2019
In 2019, our Life in Motion team climbed Mt. Elbrus! The team included 12-year-old Rahman, who received his prosthetic at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital through our program. He was determined to demonstrate that a disability is not a barrier to one's will to conquer the tallest mountain in Europe! We were incredibly proud of the team as they ascended the mountain! The goal of Life in Motion - Elbrus 2019 is to raise awareness and funds for children with disabilities.
Climbing Camp - 2019
This year we hosted our second annual rock climbing camp. Children with special needs learned various climbing techniques as they explore the mountains. This amazing project is a wonderful illustration that a physical disability is not an obstacle to overcoming barriers, however physically challenging they may be. We are immensely proud of of these children's bottomless courage and determination. Thank you for supporting Life in Motion!
Climbing Camp - 2018
After climbing Kilimanjaro, Everest and Elbrus, we announced a new project, a mountain climbing camp for children with special needs. On June 20-28, several disabled children will train and hike on the the mountains. The children will learn new safety mechanisms and climbing techniques. We hope this project will prepare the participants for future Life in Motion adventures! Step Up Together!
You can find the video here:
Life in Motion - Elbrus 2017
Dear friends,
Our Life in Motion - Elbrus 2017 mission has been accomplished with success! 16-year-old girl, Polina was an inspiration for 9 members of the team, as she climbed the mountain on her prosthetic leg. You can watch her amazing journey here.
Why are we doing this, for the last 6 years – Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Everest’s Base Camp and now Elbrus? We want to show again and again that all limitations are in our heads and with internal strength people can overcome their fears, push all boundaries and make the impossible - possible. Yes, even climbing the highest mountain on prosthetic legs!
This Elbrus trip was the most challenging of all. Snow, ice, 30 km per hour wind, cold nights with the temperature dropping to negative 25C. We had to walk very slowly, carefully making one step at a time on crampons even having to use a rope and ice-axe at some parts of the mountain.
Everyone had their own goal, reaching a personal peak, widening their own resources, maximizing their own abilities. We worked together as a team, supporting each other with jokes and laughter - great friends on the mountain.
After the trip our Polina said: “It is a common opinion that only physically strong people can climb mountains and I wanted to show that my physical challenges are not an obstacle. It was my first summit and I learned many important things - how to give and share, how to support, how to step outside of my comfort zone. I am a different person today. I am proud of myself and I am looking forward to my future, new peaks in my life."
Will we do it again? Of course!
Thank you everyone who supported us during this 10 day expedition! Your encouraging words were a big part of our success. We truly “Stepped Up” together.
We want to thank our partners - Mitsubishi Corporation (Russia) for sponsoring our Life in Motion -Elbrus multimedia project and WHOA Travel for supporting Polina's hike! Your partnership helped to make our mission successful.
I am happy to share some photos and TV stories - even if they are in Russian the video requires no comments. To watch them, please click here and here. Click here to watch our photographer's amazing footage from this journey.
Natasha Shaginian-Needham and the Life in Motion team.
Life in Motion - Everest 2016
16-year-old Nikolay, 16-year-old Tanya, 17-year-old Zhenya and our group of supporters will hike Mount Everest!! All three teenagers were born with a physical disability and grew up in an orphanage. Their brave hike is meant to inspire everyone, as well as to raise funds for orthopedic treatment for orphans in Russia. The group will hike to the base camp of the highest mountain in the world - to an altitude of 5150 meters (16,896 ft). We encourage you to support the group's efforts to raise awareness for orphans everywhere and help those in need of orthopedic treatment! Together we can perfectly demonstrate that, regardless of physical limitations, anyone can achieve the impossible!!
Life in Motion - Kilimanjaro 2015
In 2015, we climbed Mount Kilimanjaro for the third time! Between July 30 - August 8, a group of hikers, including 3 young men with physical disabilities, conquered Africa's highest mountain! The hike was again led by Alexander Pokhilko! We raised more than $6000. The funds will benefit children with special needs and fulfill their dream of WALKING! Support our cause! You can help our mission by following this link
Life in Motion - Kilimanjaro 2014
Video by Steve Remich
In June 2014, for the second time, Life in Motion International organized a charity hike to Africa's tallest mountain - Kilimanjaro! We collaborated with several Russian nonprofit organizations in order to raise money for disabled children, and bring the very very idea of charity to the top of Kilimanjaro! Three young men with disabilities, and several representatives of the participating nonprofits hiked for 5 days and, almost all, made it to the top!
I Want to Walk - Kilimanjaro 2012
In June 2012, Life in Motion organized our first hike to Kilimanjaro! The hike was very successful and raised awareness and funds for children in need.